
911 Response
Quality Care
Marshall Area Fire Fighters Ambulance Authority provides 911 response over a 324 square coverage area, as well as assisting neighboring agencies when their local call volume exceeds their resources. Regardless of your situation, you can be assured that we take pride in delivering the highest quality care from  our Critical Care Paramedics, Paramedics, and EMT's
Inter-Facility Transport
Here for you
When your situation warrants a transfer to a higher level of care, our Critical Care Paramedics & Paramedics are here to continue & provide the same level of care you received during your ER stay. You will be closely monitored throughout your transport, with medications continued and/or administered as needed. Our goal is to get you to your destination safely under the watchful eyes of our care providers.
AHA Training Courses
Life long learning
We offer routine Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Basic Life Support (BLS), and AHA Heartsaver CPR courses at our facility. From providing continued certification to our local hospital peers, to area fire department personnel, to local factories that implement first response teams we are here for you.

Emergency Medical First Responder Courses
Here for You
Our commitment to providing quality education extends to not only area fire departments, but any department or individual who is interested in beginning their EMS career as a Medical First Responder. Contact our education office at 269-789-6178 to find out when our next class is being held.